Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Web sites that are linked by a common theme or interest sometimes will join together to form Web rings. A Web ring is a community of Web sites linked one to another, so that visitors go from one site to the next until they return to the site where they started. A Web ring is an ideal way for Web users to find a wide variety of sites on a particular topic.

Most Web ring systems provide a listing or a directory of all the sites within a ring, which is known as the hub or list page. Such directories frequently include a description of each site and a link to let the visitors quickly go to a particular site within the ring.

Each member site within the Web ring also provides a navigation panel with links for "Next site," "Previous site," etc. that help the user move from site to site, skipping ones that are offline or going back to a site they visited previously. View a demonstration of a Web ring on The World of Webrings site.


Blogger Lily Lang said...

There is a website about famous art paintings

7:33 AM  

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